Saturday, December 28, 2019
Business Resources - Centre of Advertising and Publishing Company - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 8 Words: 2402 Downloads: 5 Date added: 2017/06/26 Category Management Essay Type Analytical essay Did you like this example? BUSINESS RESOURCES Centre of Advertising and Publishing Company (CAPC) This is a small business where by books, magazines, newspaper etcetera are published or produced, in order to entertain and attract people who like to read such as children, teenagers, old people, this company needs to produce books and other readings that are educational and meaningful to the society and it will need educated employees that can do well in advertising and publishing all these kinds of published documents. When starting a business of publishing there many thing that are needed to be considered first the main physical resources secondly the main technological resources In physical resources location is the important thing that is needed to start thinking about. As a consultant I advise to start up a business at Alwadilkabir because it is in town near Indian school, factories, parks which is very busy area and it is the town that is known because it has many newspaper working places. Nevertheless this area will be easy in to get services quickly example when we order things, distributing our goods also easy to get consumers who would like to have our services. The other physical resources is building. In building I prefer to buy a land of 150 square meter rather than ranting because of skipping from monthly payment and it will not consists of how many rooms are needed. If its build, it can be designed accordingly to how many rooms we want. It will have eight(8) rooms these rooms will consist of CEO, Human resources (HR), Editor and Publishing department, IT department, Sale, marketing and advertising department, Administration department, two toilets, an office, praying room and the external area will have small parking area. The physical resources that are needed in each rooms includes stationaries for example special papers, 2 boxes ofink for printers, files, pens, 6 calculators, high lighters. There are different stationaries where you can buy t he resources in Oman first in art of living Oman stationary secondly in Muscat stationary, thirdly online eBay, but I advise to choose eBay because it has many quality brands example stabile, steadler also it cheaper, it has free delivering and it does not take time to deliver. Not only stationary but also furniture in offices and toilets such as tables and chairs for offices, office cabinets, dustbins, washing basins these can be ordered from Fahmi furniture and center point but these two place takes a lot of time to deliver. However, Royal furniture is better because it has high standard of furniture and a lot of promotions. In stores the resources are first aid kit from pharmacies and fire extinguisher from amazon. (Google, papers, printer, ink for publisher 2014) (Google, Muscat stationary 2014) (Google, art of living Oman stationary 2014) (Google, royal furniture 2014) The main physical resources that are needed in advertising and publishing company are 8 computers we can bu y these computers at Apple, Samsung or Lenovo however I convince to buy computers from apple it is a little expensive compared to others but is has high quality products and can stay for more than 5 years nevertheless they provide warrantee of one and half year and it has its shop in Oman at shattilqorum so it will take only 3 days to get them, also 5 telephones from Philips or Panasonic but because many of the companies are using Panasonic and they are happy with its quality, so I also prefer to with it and we can get it in any shop of technological resources in Oman. Lastly you need 2 laminating machine, 2 binding machine and 5 printing machinethis will get them when can get them from hp or from benefit horizonbut I prefer benefit horizon from UK because they are providing advanced resources and excellent quality which can stay for a long time and they produce one machine which contains printing, binding and laminating all together and it price not be high and they have free deliv ering. All these technological resources will need people to fix them, these people needs to be professional such as from TMTEC. In conclusion, physical resources such as stationary and furniture also technological resources includes computers, printers are very important in starting advertising and publishing without these resources the company will not function. Management of human, physical and technological resources à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âManagement is an art of getting things done through and with the people in formally organized groups. It is an art of creating an environment in which people can perform and individuals and can co-operate towards attainment of group goalsà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã .(Harold Koontz, management study guide, 2014). This is the way of how to have relationship with in a company so as to create good working place for all the employees. Human resources (HR) is responsible in recruiting, selecting and reviewing the works of the employees and listening to t heir problems in the company. HR needs to select employees who has the required skills in a particular departments. In advertising and publishing company, there are different employees departments such as Employees in IT department, they are dealing with designing fliers, companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s websites, holding data and information of all department also they are responsible in all technological issue such as computer system, software problems etcetera. Nevertheless, it produces report from financial department and block companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s data and information to those who are not supposed to see. Lastly, they are taking the work from editor and publisher for printing and binding into different kinds of covers. Workers in editorial and publishing department, editor work together with author in correcting grammar, spelling and re-write the work in a good style and choose a good tittle in order for the book or magazine to the published.( google, Wikipedia 2014) T he work of employees in sells and marketing department is to sell the books magazines which has completed in every step of the production example rights of the book, license and copyrights. Not only that but also to attract the customers by advertising in the social media, in marketing it can also be online such as in eBay, amazon where we can build customers awareness. Never the less they are keeping records of everything that they sell, how many they sold and how many are left. Accountant in financial department works with an auditor in writing financial reports, giving salaries to the employees and also to see the companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s economy growth is whether developing or decreasing, how many products do they sell and how much they get for profit per annual. Nevertheless they dealing with the budget of the company. Management in human resources in the company also involves managing employees such as precaution or expelling employees who are not doing their work well and not managing time wisely example in submitting their reports. Secondly, giving high salary, bonus, promotions, holidays to those who are working so hard and they have good working performance. Nevertheless holidays and health insurance should be provided to all employees in the company. Not only to have that but also providing safe environment example giving advanced tools and equipment such as computers, special printers for publishing. Moreover, monitoring employees in every work they do in order to know the improvement of the company and proving training whether inside the company or outside. In managing human resources the company will have skilled employees and the workers who can stay for a long time and to bring success in the company. Physical resources can be managed in different ways such as planning how many physical resources required, which place to order by considering the quality and affordable because of the income of the company and how long it will take to deliver and survive in the company. Secondly, preparing of the building and maintain because if the building is not attractive the consumer will not want our services which will lead to reduction of the economy of the company. Nevertheless educating the employees on how to use the physical resources in good ways example wasting of glue, wasting laminating papers and to be careful when using the furniture. Moreover, providing safety physical resources such as fire extinguisher so that it can protect the building and also first aid kit for the employees in case if there is any emergency happened. Technological resources can be managed by providing protection in computers such as anti-virus, cleaning printers, repairing of technological resources which are not working such as broken printer, laminating machine, binding machine, A/Cà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s, also proving fast internet because most of the work in all departments are done by using internet. Not only to have that but also giv ing employees computers will which contain all the systems required for their work such as Microsoft offices, e-book etcetera and monitoring them by using cctv cameras on how they do their work and the most important technological resource is managing intellectual property such as license from the government on what business that you want to start, also copyrights this will give the author the rights of his/her work also he or she can supply the copy of the books or magazine to the society, also in the company copy rights needs to be used because of other programs have it and the company needs to have the account for it . Trade mark such as to make people stop copying what u have done and use one symbol that will recognize personà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s work. In conclusion, managing human, physical and technological resources is very hard work and it needs a person is have strong personality and can handle all trouble that occurs in the company nevertheless needs to have good relation ship with the employees o as to keep them foe a long time and can make the company to develop. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âManaging resources and controlling budget costs can improve the performance of a businessà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã Advertising and publishing business, managing resources and budget costis most important in developing the company in managing resources there is negative and positive management in the company which includes Managing physical and technological resources by educating employees on how to use the resources example sing printers, laminating machines and not to waste ink papers, also not to keep the resources on for a long time especially when there is no one using it such as a/cà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s which will not last for long. Nevertheless managing the cost on the resources and services, time to time example servicing and cleaning printer, A/Cà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s and many more in order to stay for a long time. Moreover the company needs to change its physical and te chnological that have been used for more than 7 years such as furniture, computers to make the company with good reputation so when the consumers such as authors comes they will continue having the service from the company. However managing technological resources such as copyrights people cannot afford to take the original copy of the product also license of from the government so that the company will have its rights when it comes to any problems Managing human resources, the first thing is recruiting and selecting employees who have different skilled such as communicational skills, team work, educational skillsthat are required from job description and personal specification for particular department, also need managing employees by motivating them in different ways such as giving high salaries, promotion and bonus to those who are working hard, giving holidays and health insurance, providing safe and good working environment example first aid kit, fire extinguisher, advanced resources so that the employees can stay for long time in the same company. Nevertheless employees are needed to be monitored by using CCTV cameras to know the performance of the workers in time management also providing different training for example in education on how to use the physical resources and to increase their skills to do well in their jobs and to increase the development of the company and firing those who not doing their jobs well example when british airways started to see that its company meaningful resources so it fired many of the employee who are responsible for this. (mistyfaucheux, april24,2013) Controlling and managing of budgets is most important thing that is needed to be considered in starting advertising and publishing business. Managing budgets starts with planning the cost of the physical and technological resources, when buying the building, how much will be paid the employees, cost of the services of the resources example how much is cost to make se rvices. Moreover the company needs to pay pension to the retired people and paying taxes to the government, after finishing buying all resources and pay the dept., company needs to know the profit of every month and annual profit also to keep money. If the company does not control its budgets ità ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s going to be bankrupt example in Hostess company had bad budget menagemnet and they had dept of more the 2 million dollars for the pension of people à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã
âduring the first bankruptcy, Hostess was almost sold. In 2007 it warded a $580 million from its big competitor, Bimbo Bakeries USAà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã (David A. Kaplan, July26, 2012) In my opinion managing all resources and budgets will lead to the successfulness and development of the companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢s economy. Failure in managing will cause the downfall of the companyà ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â ¢sprofit, and decrease of large quantity of production and finally will lead to close up of the business. (Carol Deeb, De mand Media) REFERNCES Carol Deeb, 2014. Demand Media. Retrieved on december1, 2014 from à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã¢â¬Å" organization-bad-management-34749.html David A. Kaplan, July26, 2012. Fortune. Retrieved on december1, 2014. From Google, special printers for publishing 2014. Retrieved on November28, 2014, from Google, 2014. Art of living Oman stationary. Retrieved on November27, 2014 Google, 2014. Papers, printers, ink for publisher. Retrieved on November26, 2014. From Google, 2014. Muscat stationaries. Retrieved on November26, 2014. From Google, eBay stabilo 2014. Retrieved on november 27, 2014. From Google, furniture in Abudhabi 2014/ retrieved on november28, 2014, from Google, special printers for publishing 2014. Retrieved on November28, 2014, from Google, Wikipedia 2014. Thestudentroom. Retrieve on November 26, 2014. From Harold Koontz, management study guide. Retrieved on November 28, 2014. From Misty Faucheux april24, 2013. Bright hub pm. Retrieved on deember1, 2014. From Donââ¬â¢t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Business Resources Centre of Advertising and Publishing Company" essay for you Create order
Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Andrew Carnegie s Impact On The Industrial Revolution
In the movie, The Richest Man in the World, Andrew Carnegie played a major role in influencing the Industrial Revolution, which changed the economy of the US and the world forever. This era brought upon significant changes through economic developments that would not only change the ways of the economy but also the social aspect of society, especially within the cities where this growth was located. The shift from hand-made to machine-made products increased productivity and decreased costs. Through the innovations of the new forms of energy, such as iron, and then steel, establishments of factories began, competition between businessmen arose, and innovations of transportation in the city through railroads and bridges developed. Theâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦It also made production easier, faster, and cheaper since workers made an abundant of products within a short amount of time. Mass production in factories was possible because of the invention of machineries, leading to prod ucts being made without costing businesses as much money compared to if the products were hand made. Because products were made in factories, this also caused retail prices of the products to decrease while there was always accessibility for the supplies. The establishment of large corporations replaced small businesses, which was good news for the wealthy but bad news for individuals who owned their own small stores. On the other hand, because of the establishment of factories by businessmen, the workers lives became hard as they faced unfair working conditions in dirty and small working places. They worked long hours with no break. The machines used in factories were also very dangerous and led to workers enduring injuries. Unskilled labor did not even require training. During the Industrial Revolution, child labor became common since it was cheaper to have children working. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019
The United States Of America - 1836 Words
The United States of America was founded on the basic principles and ideals that gave citizens a voice in the dictation of their country. The ââ¬Å"We the Peopleâ⬠mindset has been a clear example of the American citizenââ¬â¢s right to the ballot. This right was originally only given to white men. Not everyone was entitled to enfranchisement. Some citizens had to fight for their right to vote. Passed in 1870, just five years after the War Between the States, the 15th Amendment was passed, granting African American men the right to vote. While this was a huge step towards equality at the ballot box, a large portion of the population was still missing basic equalities. Women still were not granted the right to vote, and had no say in any politicalâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Spearheading the suffrage movement, Elizabeth Cady Stanton faced harsh opprobrium from others. At the convention, the Declaration of Sentimentââ¬â¢s was written by Stanton, largely based off of the De claration of Independence. The Declaration of Sentiment included a list of demands for the womenââ¬â¢s suffrage movement, courtesy of Stanton2. Stanton outlined the Declaration of Sentiment on the injustices that women had faced. ââ¬Å"The history of mankind is a history of repeated injuries and usurpations on the part of man toward women, having in direct object the establishment of an absolute tyranny over her. To prove this, let facts be submitted to a candid world.â⬠She goes on to list the ways men had deprived women of their rights, such as the revolutionaries did for King George over the colonists. The Declaration also called for womenââ¬â¢s suffrage. However, many of the people at the convention thought that calling for suffrage would be too radical. With constant persistence from Stanton, the final draft outlined the right to vote as a demand, despite not having full support from every attendee. After the Declaration of Sentiments was read aloud at the Seneca Fa lls Convention, there was a chance to debate the resolutions that needed to be adopted. The suffrage motion still didnââ¬â¢t sit well with many attendees of the convention. ââ¬Å"â⬠¦[It] was especially controversial as many of the attendees believed that such a demand would cast negative light onShow MoreRelatedThe United States Of America1536 Words à |à 7 PagesThe United States of America is well known throughout the world for tis democracy ant the freedoms of its citizens. Since declaring its Independence from Great Britain rule in 1776, the United States of America has undergone a continuous effort to maintain law and order. In order to create a strong federal government with a system of check and balances the Constitution was proposed and ratified. 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Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Uncertain Reconciliation between Indigenous and...
Reconciliation between Aboriginal People and Non-Aboriginal people to some extent is important towards Australiaââ¬â¢s future. Given the past injustices involving land rights, the stolen generation and Government Policies, it illustrates that Australia has some way to go ahead of the full reconciliation between Indigenous and Non-Indigenous Australians and that without reconciliation our future is uncertain. The Aboriginals were denied their land rights when European settlement occurred in Australia. As the Aboriginals were nomadic, the land that they lived on and moved around on soon became occupied by the Europeans. This disenabled the Aboriginals to sustain their ceremonial and cultural links with the land. Efforts to win Indigenous landâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦After white settlement, thousands of Aboriginal children were forcibly taken from their families and homes and placed in state institutions. Between 1910 and 1970 up to 100,000 half casts, children of a mixed Aboriginal and European descent, were removed from their families by police or welfare officers. The government of the time believed that the half cast children were better off learning the European way of life rather that growing up in the bush as native Aborigines. The children received little education, very poor food and some suffered sexual abuse. Their families knew nothing about their childrenââ¬â¢s whereab outs after they were taken and contact with them was forbidden. This policy ended around 1970. In an effort to mend the damage done by this policy a national inquiry was set up in 1995 called ââ¬Å"Bringing them Homeâ⬠. It involved deep research into the stolen generation, and launched legal actions against the government whom denied the claims. Aborigines were not considered as part of the Australian community and were deprived of their rights in everyday activities. Continuing into the 1960ââ¬â¢s Aboriginals were denied their basic rights. They were not allowed to raise their own children, had no access to education, they didnââ¬â¢t receive award wages, they werenââ¬â¢t allowed to marry without permission, they werenââ¬â¢t allowed to eat in restaurants, enter a pub or swim in a publicShow MoreRelatedThe reconciliation of the Indigenous, has played a significant part in the history of Australia and600 Words à |à 3 PagesThe reconciliation of the Indigenous, has played a significant part in the history of Australia and the lives of many Indigenous Australianââ¬â¢s including Eddie Mabo. Eddie Mabo has been actively involved in Indigenous rights and reconciliation between 1981 and his death in 1992. Reconciliation has been an important part of Australiaââ¬â¢s history as it has impacted many generations of Indigenous Australianââ¬â¢s throughout history. 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Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words à |à 656 Pagesperiod from the 1870s is included in a long twentieth century (and perhaps even if it is not), migration served as a mode of escape from oppression and poverty and, in many instances, as an avenue toward advancement for an unprecedented number of people that soared well into the hundreds of millions by centuryââ¬â¢s end. But for a clear majority of these migrants, movement was coerced by flight from war and oppression or was enticed by labor recruiters who preyed on the desperately poor. The prospectsRead MoreThe Unhcr13403 Words à |à 54 Pages200,000 people had fled from Libya, mostly migrant workers from Egypt and Tunisia but including many more nationalities. This is the largest international evacuation since the 1st Gulf War (1990) ( The raising of crisis is alarmed as one of the global trends and causes a lot of displaced persons, asylum seekers and refugees. Not only the raising crisis, but also the existing wars, ethic cleanings, and civil wars results challenges of protection of people. Who can these people and the
Wednesday, December 11, 2019
Shakespears surprises Essay Example For Students
Shakespears surprises Essay The very first thing that surprised me in Shakespeare was the fact that I came across an unfamiliar in Romeo and Juliet. This surprised me since I had read it so many times. The part that caught my eye was the fact that I never stopped to think about why Romeo kills Tybalt. It has always seemed to be that Romeo was revenging Mercutio to me, but this play I didnt notice evidence to that. It seemed more that Mercutios big mouth was the only instigator in his death. The only inkling of animosity I could find between the two families came from the very beginning of the play. There is a scene set up that allows us to see that there is hatred between the two families. This occurrence is most pronounced in act I.1 ln.58 when Tybalt proclaims his hatred of Montagues to Benvolio, but they never really get the chance to duel. Throughout the play there is increasing growth on the conflict between the two houses. But in act III.1 Tybalt is slain. This sets up the remainder of fate for Romeo. After all, these two houses are supposed to keep their distance. But doesnt it seem strange that a man would kill just out of dislike of a certain group. And out of that certain group Romeo kills the first Capulet he comes across. Yes, he is upset about Mercutio, but geesh! Talk about flying off The handle. The thing I guess I can most closely equate this to is the idea of Road Rage we see today. Still when some one is in a hurry And I change lanes unexpectedly and they flip me off, cursing at me all the way down the street I am surprised at the intensity of their outburst. It is a very surprising behavior, even for today, not to mention the small amount of reasoning behind it. Romeo, dont forget your chill pill next time. What I found most out of the ordinary in Twelfth Night was the fact that Shakespeare wrote comedies. I think of old time humor to be sarcasm or other such trivial writing, but this play was rather clever in the predicament that Viola gets herself into and how that is resolved in the end. To begin with I felt a bit of pity for this Dukes servant, as she has to dress as a man to woo a woman for him. I didnt feel sorry because she had to wear a disguise, but rather because I guessed that she would fall for hi, as he was seeking this other, unattainable goal. One of the most funniest and surprising acts to me is when Sir Andrew comes to the court toward the end of the play and cries wolf at Viola in disguise, and then punches her and she then, pummels the daylight out of him. This is so funny to me because it is so unexpected. However what makes this surprising is the fact that it is so out of character for her. In all the instances of confrontation, Viola has been wary if not fleeting from these circumstances. Scene like the sword fight, however, she has to do it or else shell be found out. In other cases, like being confronted with Olivias devotion, Viola can brush her off and quickly try to flee. This gives us the idea of Viola as timid, intimidated, or shy/scared. In the surprising act Viola does a complete 180 degrees and doesnt even hesitate for a second. She is not persuaded or told or caring about letting herself be known. She just punches him, and instead of maybe catching her self out of fear, (like I supposed she would) she keeps right on hitting him. It is like an emotion of built up frustration from all the disguise and the forced sword fight and the pressures of not just Olivia but her whole court, that allow Viola to do this. Not only that but in the movie version we watched, Viola even seemed to gloat a bit, like an overly proud man. A great, captivating moment. I was also surprised by another aspect of Twelfth Night. How does Olivia get .
Monday, December 9, 2019
Nothing Comes Easy Essay Example For Students
Nothing Comes Easy Essay Nothing ever comes easy, with success being a perfect example. It is common sense that youââ¬â¢ve got to work hard to achieve it in order to be successful in my English 101 course. Without hard work, failure is almost inevitable. The keys to success in as you will see, are definitely helpful in order to achieve fulfillment of the class. They involve more than just one person though. They involve a team of people who all want the same exact thing, success for one another and success for themselves. Notably, teachers play a big role in the studentsââ¬â¢ success. When Iââ¬â¢m in class, I want to learn something useful. No, I donââ¬â¢t expect my teacher to know absolutely, but I would also expect my teacher to understand that I may not understand everything at the beginning either. It is important for the teacher and student to have good communication throughout the entire course. Setting goals at the beginning of the course and communicating my milestones is very important so I am informed on what I can take with me after this course. The saying ââ¬Å"treat others as you would want to be treatedâ⬠is very relatable when it comes to a teacher and student relationship in my opinion. I would expect my teacher to show me the same amount of respect that I give to him or her. If I have difficulties, issues, or I feel as if Iââ¬â¢m not capable of understanding something, I would want my teacher to respect me enough to understand that I might need some extra teaching or extra assistance on certain lessons. Not every student learns the same way, so I would expect the teacher to realize that and help me instead of hinder me. One student might understand the assignment right off the bat and then another student may need further explanation. Being comfortable and knowing that itââ¬â¢s okay to ask for help is a great reassurance that my teacher does care and it also relieves stress off of the student. I would expect my teacher to give me courage and motivation when times are tough, but also bring out the best in me by not allowing me to assist myself when itââ¬â¢s possible. By doing this, it would encourage me to reach the goals we set at the beginning, and by completing these goals, I could acquire skills that would benefit me for a lifetime. Furthermore, I have some expectations for my classmates as well. I expect my classmates to understand the same thing as my teacher. I would want them to understand that not every student learns the same way as the person sitting next to them, and I would want them to have patience for those who do need to be taught a particular way. Respect is also needed not only between the teacher and the student but the student and his or her classmates. When students respect each other the relationships tend to be healthier than the ones without respect and that enhances the work they can accomplish when group projects are assigned. Teamwork is huge because without teamwork amongst classmates, you in return donââ¬â¢t get cooperation and when you donââ¬â¢t have that, things could be disastrous which leads to a huge amount of stress on the individual. Some stress is avoidable from the beginning if everyone agrees to cooperate and it will make life a whole lot easier. With my expectations in others being so important, I must set an expectation that I must reach as a student and an expectation I must meet as a personal goal when it comes to success. Because, in the end, the teacher plus my classmates complete my team, but without my participation, the whole plan fails, because I am the number one reason whether I fail or succeed. I expect myself to be dedicated, without that, I wonââ¬â¢t get anything done. Time is a factor in almost everything we do. I have to ensure that I maintain enough time aside of my social and family life to make sure my classwork and my studying gets done. If I donââ¬â¢t take time to do those things, then I have failed myself because that is something I have 100% control over. .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe , .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe .postImageUrl , .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe , .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe:hover , .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe:visited , .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe:active { border:0!important; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe:active , .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud76564b4bb0b0d9bd30717d4ab09c5fe:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: The Atomic Bomb EssayI also expect myself to continue to push, especially when things get harder and harder. I want to be able to persevere through any hardships or bumps in the road. Iââ¬â¢ve learned throughout the years that if I am strict on myself with time management, perseverance, and dedication that I can succeed in anything I put my mind too. Everybody knows that nothing is ever handed to you in any situation, whether it be a promotion, school, or as we all know, a nice body. Work is required to achieve all things. For my classmates, my teacher, and myself, Iââ¬â¢ve got many helpful ways that can contribute on the road to success in my English 101 course. It starts with a healthy and respectful relationship inside the classroom between classmates and the teacher, then it continues with setting a strict regimen for myself to assure that I do try to the best of my ability to succeed. Without these things in play, I feel that success wouldnââ¬â¢t be an option, and like I said before, failure would be inevitable.
Wednesday, December 4, 2019
The similarities and dissimilarities between the Prioresse and the Wife Bath Essay Example For Students
The similarities and dissimilarities between the Prioresse and the Wife Bath Essay In this essay I will discuss the similarities and dissimilarities between the Prioresse and the Wife Bath. Despite what may seem that they are obviously different, they are actually quite similar. Firstly, the fact that they are both on the pilgrimage in the first place shows that they are both successful and independent. To go on a pilgrimage as individual single women in this time was unusual. It meant that you had to have money and status, to afford the trip and to be confident enough to go without a husband. The Prioresse is the head of a nunnery, so she must surely be strong and wealthy because in being the head she is earning more money than most women, and to be the head also means you have strong leadership qualities. The Wife of Bath owns an imperative clothing and fabric business in what was very much a mans world. At making cloth she had so great a bent She bettered those of Ypres and even Ghent. The two women are also both wealthy from their successful careers, and in the Prioresses case, she was likely to be from a wealthy family as well. We can see their wealth from their clothing. Close gartered, and her shoes were soft and new, Chaucer tells us about the Wife of Baths outfit. On the Prioresse, he lets us know she is wealthy because he describes her wearing imported jewellery very expensive. Of coral small about her arm shed bear A string of beads and gauded all with green. Clearly the Prioresse and the Wife of Bath are both wealthy if they can afford to buy such extravagant things to wear. When Chaucer describes the Wife of Bath he also mentions her five dead husbands. With five churched husbands bringing joy and strife. This tells us she is wealthy because she must have inherited a lot from her late hubbies. Another point that makes the Prioresse appear to be rich is that she has some dogs that she feeds on the best quality food. She had some little dogs, too, that she fed On roasted flesh, or milk and fine white bread. Obviously if the Prioresse can afford to waste money on excellent food and pets, she is wealthy. The Wife of Bath also appears to be rich when we are told that she has been on many other pilgrimages abroad, which would have been very expensive in that time. Three times shed journeyed to Jerusalem; And many a foreign stream shed had to stem; Another similarity between the two women is that they are both eager to impress others. The Prioresse delights in displaying her knowledge of the French language. And fair she spoke her French, and fluently, She also displays her table manners and etiquette rather more than necessary. In courtesy she had delight andà zest. Chaucer also lets us know that the Prioresse showed off her manners often because he thinks she was trying to act like a court lady. She was at pains to counterfeit the look Of courtliness, and stately manners took. The Wife of Bath was also one to enjoy impressing others. She thought she was the most important woman in the parish, and always had to be the first to put the offering in the plate to show her importance. In all the parish there was no good wife Should offering make before her, on my life, The fact that she had to make the first offering shows that she was the most important person there, because in that time the offerings in the plate were given out in social order from the most significant person to the least significant. .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 , .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 .postImageUrl , .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 , .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860:hover , .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860:visited , .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860:active { border:0!important; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860:active , .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860 .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u57b3f8f00add8b4e0b7c38bacaf42860:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Metaphysical Poetry DefinitionThe Wife of Bath also showed off her headdress and clothes in church to show off her status. Her kercheifs were of finest weave and ground. Another similarity is that they are both inevitably vain and very aware of their appearance. The Prioresse, despite having taken a vow of chastity at the nunnery, pulled her wimple up to show her forehead, which was thought to be an attractive feature. But certainly she had a fair forehead It was almost a full span broad, I own Chaucer also suggests that the Prioresse is wearing rouge. Her mouth was small and therewith small and red. The fact that she is wearing rouge proves she is vain and very interested in making herself look good, possibly for men. We can tell that the Wife of Bath is vain and aware of her appearance because she wears bright, fashionable clothes, which are meant for younger women. Her hose was of the choicest scarlet red When we read this we think that the Wife of Bath must think a lot of her looks if she wears such bright, eye-catching clothes. These two characters are also alike in both being interested in the opposite sex. The most romantically experienced is obviously the Wife of Bath, who has had five husbands. The remedies of love she knew, perchance, For of that art the old, old dance. Here in the final sentence of her passage, Chaucer tells us clearly she is experienced in the romantic sense. The Wife of Bath is clearly interested in the opposite sex. She appears to be looking for husband number six because of the clothes she wears, which are loud and extravagant. Her kercheifs were of finest weave and ground; I dare swear that they weighed a full ten pound. As well as being vain, the Wife of Bath is looking for another husband. The Prioresse is also worryingly interested in the opposite sex. I say worryingly because as a nun she has taken a vowà of chastity and as a rule shouldnt be interested in anything but God, but she is clearly making herself look more attractive that she should. Her nose was fine; her eyes were blue as glass; Chaucer describes her as very pretty, but as a nun she should really be trying to make herself look unattractive. Her name, Madam Eglantine, is named after a famous medieval romantic heroine and this also hints that she is not innocent or pure. The Prioresse also wore a brooch that has hints at her love life. à ¢Ã¢â ¬Ã ¦ hung a brooch of golden sheen Whereon there was first written a crowned A, And under, Amor vincit omnia. Amor vincit omnia means Love conquers all. This brooch could mean love of God- but this could also be a possible love token from a man. Despite their many similarities, there is some dissimilarity, too. Firstly, they have different backgrounds. The Wife of Bath owns a business and is competing with businesses in the world. At making cloth she had so great a bent She bettered those of Ypres and even Ghent This quote describes the high quality of her business and therefore we assume that the Wife of Bath is a successful experienced businesswoman who hasnt led a sheltered life. She is a professional woman in a trade dominated by men. The Prioresse, however, as a nun, has led a very sheltered life in convents and inexperienced and naÃÆ'à ¯ve as to the ways of the world. Also, romantically they are almost opposites. Being a nun, the Prioresse is obviously a virgin and is not allowed to see anyone romantically. However, the Wife of Bath has had five husbands and is described so that we believe she has a sex life. Gap-toothed was she, it is no lie to say .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 , .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 .postImageUrl , .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 , .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03:hover , .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03:visited , .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03:active { border:0!important; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03:active , .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03 .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2e2ad6055f020b8e062e3e9e44759d03:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Poet Conveys EssayAt that time it was thought to be sexy to have gapped teeth. Another point that shows their differences is that the Prioresse and Wife of Bath come from different class backgrounds. The Prioresse us educated and literate, which she shows off at every opportunity. She also spoke French. And fair she spoke her French, and fluently, It was highly expensive and unusual for women to even be educated in those days, so she must come from a well off, upper class background. However, the Wife of Bath has worked her way into her respected position in society from the merchant class. I conclude that these two women, in their different ways and approaches, are both equally admirable because they are individual and strong despite being surrounded by men.
Sunday, December 1, 2019
Sports Info Essays - Nutrition, Bodybuilding Supplements
Sports Info supplements range from protein shakes to illegal anabolic steroids. Some sports izzle out, while others still work well but do more damage than good in the long run. In the past athletes had to turn to such things as anabolic steroids or blood doping (the process of taking out blood and adding oxygen to it and putting it back into your body in order to increase a persons endurance). However, these procedures have many drawbacks. Mainly, thCreatine One of the primary things an athlete will do is put supplements into their body. ey are illegal. An athlete may be suspended from playing their perspective sport for using them. They have many long terms and short term side effects. Many supplements are as simple as packaged energy and others require a strict exercise and eating regimen. I will explore sports supplements focusing on creatine and it's effect on the sport world. The first and most basic sports supplements are protein weight gainers. This normally comes in the form of powder a nd works best when mixed with milk. The main reason for taking extra protein is to gain weight and muscle mass. In today's athletics, whether it is high school, college, or professional, the athletes are getting bigger and stronger. Protein works the best when the athlete is on a strict work out regimen. Many sports supplements are a combination of herbs and proteins. A popular supplement of this sort is called Heat. Heat has many different ingredients in it that allow the athlete to experience more energy by creating more heat. This allows the athletes' body to work more efficiently and therefore work faster, stronger, and longer. This is very important in the sports world because it is becoming harder and harder to compete at an unsupplemented level. Athletes want every advantage that he or she can receive. Now there is a substance that can give an athlete the edge that they desire. One of the most popular and effective sports supplements on the market today is Pure creatine Monoh ydrate. Creatine was first introduced to the US in 1993 by a supplement company called Experimental and Applied Sciences. Since that time it has become one of the most demanded items on the market. The creatine that is bought in stores duplicates the natural creatine that is produced by the kidney, liver, and pancreas. Creatine Monohydrate has been proven to significantly enhance athletic performance in the areas of power, strength, and muscle mass. Most importantly though, it doesn't seem to have any serious side effects. Also, since Creatine is found naturally in the body and in foods, it is likely that it will not be removed from sports. What is Creatine? Creatine is a nutrient that is found in many foods. It is most highly concentrated in lean red meat. A half-pound of red meat contains about two grams of Creatine. Every human body also produces Creatine in very small amounts, though some people produce more than others. Creatine is necessary for proper cell functions and cell r eproduction, it is also a primary storage for energy in muscles. How does Creatine work? When somebody is exercising, his or her muscles demand energy. The energy that the muscle gets is called adenosine triphosphate (ATP). As the muscles keep contracting, the ATP is turned into adenosine diphosphate (ADP). ADP causes your muscles to fatigue. Creatine Phosphate helps to convert ADP into ATP when the ATP is gone. In doing this, the athlete has better endurance during his of her workout or event. Creatine producers and users claim it to have many advantages, such as increased endurance, increased overall work potential, increased speed of muscular action, and the potential to further increase muscle mass. Creatine also accelerates protein synthesis. If all this were true, it would be easy to see why athletes are turning to Creatine for an edge on their competition. But are these claims real? Is their scientific proof of what Creatine does? Yes, since Creatine came onto the supplement market it has been tested extensively. Research in human sports science indicates that if you supplement a normal diet with Creatine it will increase the Creatine content in the muscles. The Texas A&M
Thursday, November 28, 2019
ââ¬ÅThe Open Boatââ¬Â by Stephen Crane Essay Sample free essay sample
Man believes himself to be the centre of the existence. but the existence does non. ââ¬Å"The Open Boatâ⬠by Stephen Crane shows the complexnesss of life in a individual narrative ; the struggle of adult male against nature. the realisation that the existence is non cognizant of your being and the sarcasm that sometimes your best merely isnââ¬â¢t good plenty or the really entropy of the results make it all so unpredictable. There are no replies in life. there is merely life. The struggle is for the control of their fate and for endurance against the moving ridges. There is a high degree of suspense throughout the narrative. The moving ridges are grim and the work forces are exhausted. Each clip it seems as if aid is at hand. it is dashed. Hope begins to melt. The work forces begin to turn angry with the state of affairs. The letter writer repeats this tirade three different times. We will write a custom essay sample on ââ¬Å"The Open Boatâ⬠by Stephen Crane Essay Sample or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page ââ¬Å"If I am traveling to be drowned-if I am traveling to be drowned-if I am traveling to be drowned. why. in the name of the seven huffy Gods who rule the sea. was I allowed to contemplate sand and trees? ( Crane 262 ) He is looking for some warrant of endurance. but it is non at that place. The usage of allusion by retrieving a transition that neer meant anything until his mortality was on the line shows the province of head of the letter writer. The letter writer began to lose hope and came to the realisation that aid was non coming and that they would shortly die. He remembers a transition from a book he had read long ago but with recollection come entire lucidity of its significance. The transition from ââ¬Å"Bingen on the Rhine. â⬠by Caroline Norton was as follows ; A soldier from the Legion lay deceasing in Algiers ; There was deficiency of womenââ¬â¢s nursing. there was famine of womenââ¬â¢s cryings ; But a companion stood beside him. and he took the comradeââ¬â¢s manus. And he said. ââ¬Å"I neer more shall see my ain. my native land. â⬠( Crane 263 ) The Legion soldier of Algiers deceasing neer to see his fatherland once more comes to his head with complete apprehension as his impending decease becomes more of a world. The moving ridges are demonized in this narrative by the work forces but in actuality they were non ever a hinderance to the work forces. They are a baleful subject throughout the narrative. The full clip they are together in the dory. they perceive the moving ridges as the ultimate danger. At one point they are described this manner. ââ¬Å"The surges that came at this clip were formidable. They seemed ever merely about to interrupt and turn over over the small boat in convulsion of froth. â⬠The moving ridges are described in many different ways. At first they blocked out the sky. so like siting a bucking broncho. but. the moving ridges were non ever fierce. In fact. the really wave that brought the letter writer in to safety besides drowned the oiler. The letter writer was merely on board to compose about the rebellion in Cuba. while the oiler was an experient crewman. in peak physical status. He was the lone 1 that broke off from group and he did non last. In the terminal. t here was no account for the inquiries the work forces had about what had happened. The moving ridges were non capable of maliciousness and premeditation. They were alive and they were left to state the narrative. The work forces had antecedently thought their being meant something in the expansive graduated table of things but after the experience found that they were little and undistinguished in comparing to the existence. Plants Cited Crane. Stephen. ââ¬Å"The Open Boat. â⬠The Norton Introduction To Literature. Ed. Alison Booth and Kelly J. Mays. London and New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 2011. 250-268. Norton. Caroline. ââ¬Å"Bingen on the Rhine. â⬠The Norton Introduction to Literature. Ed. Alison Booth and Kelly J. Mays. London and New York: W. W. Norton and Company. 2011. 263.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Anaximenes and the Milesian School
Anaximenes and the Milesian School Anaximenes (d. c. 528 B.C.) was a Pre-Socratic philosopher, who together with Anaximander and Thales, was a member of what we call the Milesian School because all three were from Miletus and may have studied with one another. Anaximenes may have been a disciple of Anaximander. Although there is some controversy, Anaximenes is thought to be the one to have first developed the theory of change. The Underlying Substance of the Universe Where Anaximander believed the universe was composed of an indefinite substance he called apeiron, Anaximenes believed the underlying substance of the universe was the Greek for what we translate as air because air is neutral but can take on various properties, especially condensation and rarefaction. This is a more specific substance that Anaximanders. In his Commentary on Aristotles Physics, the medieval Neoplatonist Simplicius repeats what Theophrastus (the successor of Aristotles school of philosophy) wrote about the Milesian school. This includes the ideas that that, according to Anaximenes, when air becomes finer, it becomes fire, when it is condensed, it becomes first wind, then cloud, then water, then earth, then stone. According to the same source, Anaximenes also said that change came from motion, which is eternal. In his Metaphysics, Aristotle links another Milesian, Diogenes of Apollonia, and Anaximenes in that both consider air more primary than water. Sources of the Pre-Socratics We have first-hand material of the pre-Socratics only from the end of the sixth century/start of the fifth B.C. Even then, the material is spotty. So our knowledge of the Pre-Socratic philosophers comes from fragments of their works included in the writing of others. The Presocratic Philosophers: A Critical History with a Selection of Texts, by G.S. Kirk and J.E. Raven provides these fragments in English. Diogenes Laertius provides biographies of the Pre-Socratic philosophers: Loeb Classical Library. For more on the transmission of texts, see The Manuscript Tradition of Simplicius Commentary on Aristotles Physics i-iv, by A. H. Coxon; The Classical Quarterly, New Series, Vol. 18, No. 1 (May 1968), pp. 70-75. Anaximenes is on the list of Most Important People to Know in Ancient History. Examples: Here are the relevant passages on Anaximenes from Aristotles Metaphysics Book I (983b and 984a): Most of the earliest philosophers conceived only of material principles as underlying all things. That of which all things consist, from which they first come and into which on their destruction they are ultimately resolved, of which the essence persists although modified by its affections-this, they say, is an element and principle of existing things. Hence they believe that nothing is either generated or destroyed, since this kind of primary entity always persists....In the same way nothing else is generated or destroyed; for there is some one entity (or more than one) which always persists and from which all other things are generated. All are not agreed, however, as to the number and character of these principles. Thales, the founder of this school of philosophy, says the permanent entity is water....Anaximenes and Diogenes held that air is prior to water, and is of all corporeal elements most truly the first principle. Sources The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy, Edward N. Zalta (ed.). Readings in Ancient Greek Philosophy: From Thales to Aristotle, by S. Marc Cohen, Patricia Curd, C. D. C. Reeve Theophrastus on the Presocratic Causes, by John B. McDiarmid Harvard Studies in Classical Philology, Vol. 61 (1953), pp. 85-156. A New Look at Anaximenes, by Daniel W. Graham; History of Philosophy Quarterly, Vol. 20, No. 1 (Jan. 2003), pp. 1-20.
Sunday, November 24, 2019
Compare and Contrast Out, Out by Robert Frost and Mid- Term Break by Seamus Heaney Essays
Compare and Contrast Out, Out by Robert Frost and Mid- Term Break by Seamus Heaney Essays Compare and Contrast Out, Out by Robert Frost and Mid- Term Break by Seamus Heaney Paper Compare and Contrast Out, Out by Robert Frost and Mid- Term Break by Seamus Heaney Paper Essay Topic: Literature Seamus Heaney Poems In this essay I will be analysing two poems on the theme of death, Out, Out by Robert Frost, a poet from rural America and Mid-Term break by Seamus Heaney an Irish poet. I will be looking at the effects created by the poets. I will explore how their respective cultures affect their poems. I will first examine Robert Frosts Out, Out-. Robert frost lived from 1874 to 1963 and is regarded as of Americas best poets. He won the Pulitzer Prize four times for his contribution to literature. Robert Frost grew up on a farm; this obviously influenced the setting of this poem. The poems title is Out, Out- and is an extract from Macbeths last soliloquy, Out, out brief candle Lifes but a walking shadow. This indicates that the poem will be about death as Macbeth knows that death is inevitable. It suggests that death will take place in this poem. The hyphen in the title suggests that it is from a larger quote and when we discover its meaning, it creates a fatalistic atmosphere in the poem. The theme of the poem is death. Frost also employs the theme of time but commentates without love or emotion when he is narrating, so this is conspicuous by its absence. The poem is in one long stanza. This increases the feeling that it is in prose. This also moves the story along faster. There is no rhyme scheme which is also like prose. The rhythm differs in each section of the poem. The poem is written objectively and even though it seems as if Frost is watching the story unfold, he shows a lack of concern for the victim. In the first line of the poem Frost personifies and makes the buzz saw animalistic. This quote proves that, The buzz saw snarled .. This creates a sinister atmosphere and instantly makes the saw seem evil. Frost then attempts to distract the reader from the evil saw by describing the saw dust, using sibilance, Sweet scented stuff. This changes the mood of the poem for the next four lines. It goes onto describe the dramatic Vermont scenery. This quote shows that the boy is not concentrating on the task, Lifted eyes could count, Five mountain ranges one behind the other. This shows that he is not concentrating. The description makes the atmosphere very relaxed and the tension from the first lines is lost. The tension is then restored though in the seventh line as Frost uses repletion to make the saw scarier. Then Frost describes the mundane atmosphere of the day, this creates the feeling that something bad will happen. Then Frost subtly suggests that the boy will die, The day was all but done. I think that day is a metaphor for life and that it indicates that the boy will die. He states it like it is inevitable and unavoidable. Frost obviously foresees the accident as he says that they should have finished earlier, then the accident would have been avoided. Frost then personifies the saw once again as he describes the actual accident. He states that the saw leaps as the boy is surprised by his sisters cry. Frost describes the accident as a meeting between the boys hand and the buzz saw. This is a really impersonal thing to write. There is no real gory description of the accident. This leaves the image to the readers imagination it is horribly effective. Frost then states that the boy, Must have given his hand. This indicates that the boy knew that he knew that he was going to chop his hand off, strange as this may seem. The Poet then describes the boys reaction to the accident, Frost describes the boys initial as a Rueful laugh this shows that the boy has some idea of what trouble he is in and that he is nervous. He instinctively holds his arm up clenching his hand in place. Frost then describes the folly of child doing a mans work. This changes the poem to a mood of pathos. He then describes the boys death in the last ten lines. Frost never puts in any emotional attachment to the boy. The boy then sees that his injury is very serious. He asks someone to tell the doctor not to cut his hand off. He refers to the person as sister. This person can be interpreted as his sister or a nurse; I like to think that it is nurse as it explains her distinct detachment from the boy. Frost then says that his hand was already detached and there was nothing that the doctor could have done. The doctors then put the boy in, The dark of ether which means a crude form of anaesthetic, ether is also linked strongly with death, which might suggest that the doctor put him to sleep. Frost portrays the boys innocence by describing, Puffed out lips with his breath. Dark also represents death as contrast to day. Frost utterly understates the death forcing you to imagine it. The doctors are shocked at the boys failing pulse and his death. The most shocking line in the poem is the last, Since they were not dead, they turned to their affairs. This illustrates the detachment between people and suggests that death often takes place. This poem confuses and makes me wonder more about the characters. It does make me read in between the lines and it uses metaphors when describing death and life to very good use. This poem is quite obscure. I now move onto Mid-Term Break. The poet Seamus Heaney wrote this autobiographical poem in the twentieth century. Heaney describes his wait to go home at the start of the poem. We dont know what he is waiting for but we have an indication of death when Heaney says that he was Counting bells knelling Funeral bells knell so that indicates death has taken place. You get the idea that has died when his neighbours come and pick him up from school. This shows that his parents cant face him. This strongly indicates that something bad has happened. Another sign of this is when he sees his, Father crying, in the porch this must be a sad thing to greet you as you enter your house. This empathised again as he states that his father, Had always taken funerals in his stride the mention of a funeral certifies the death. Heaney then uses very effective contrast by describing his baby brothers reaction. The first four stanzas are written as if in a daze, he is aware of what is going on around of him but doesnt describe his feelings deeply. He is obviously shocked. He then describes the embarrassment as he is greeted solemnly by old men. It is if they treat him as one of them now that he has suffered a tragedy. Heaney uses enjambment to link together verses to great effect. The old men arent blunt about the death saying that they are, Sorry for my trouble. This builds tension and makes you wonder who has died. In the fourth stanza you learn that Seamus has been away at boarding school. The family are obviously very close to each other. The mother, Coughs out angry tearless sighs this suggests that she has been crying for some time and that the death was violent. In the middle of the fifth stanza Seamus comes out of his daze and describes the arrival of the corpse at his house. Heaney is still building tension in the poem as he still does not name the body. His parents obviously prevent going into the room where the corpse is. His parents are obviously making it as nice possible for him. Heaney finally names the corpse as his brother. This makes more sympathetic for him. It is the first time he has seen his brother in six weeks. This is also very sad. The only way that he describes is that he is paler this shows that he is still a child. The only wound that Seamus can see is, A poppy bruise. This is a reference to the Second World War and the poppy is often associated with death. Heaney finds it difficult to accept that his brother is dead and says it is similar the way his brother looks dead with sleeping. On the last line of the stanza it reveals that his brother was run over with a reference to a bumper. The last stanza is one line long for effect. It reads, a four foot box, a foot for every year. This is shocking as you dont know how old the brother is until this point. This poem makes me very sad and the enjambment is used to great effect. This is a timeless poem as the sadness of death is felt by people every day and you can relate to it. I will now compare and contrast the poems. Both poems are on the theme of death. The layouts are a lot different as in Out, Out is written in one stanza to increase the speed of reading and to show the mood, whereas Mid Term break is eight stanzas long to show the differing emotions of Seamus Heaney. The titles also differ in their help in predicting the theme of the poem. Out, Out- is an obvious reference to death whereas Mid Term break is more obscure. Out, out- is written in first person narrative like Mid Term Break but Mid Term Break is emotional. So it is more subjective. The use of the senses is used in both. In Out, Out- the use of sight is used when he describes the scenery as in Mid-Term break as Heaney describes his dead brother. They use sound in both as Frost describes the saw and in Mid-Term Break when Heaney describes his naà ¯Ã ¿Ã ½ve baby sibling. The sense of smell is used in Out, Out- as Frost describes the saw dust as Sweet scented stuff. The writing techniques are different as personification is used in Out, Out-. The techniques are similar as enjambment is used in both poems and alliteration are used as Frost describes Sweet scented and in Heaneys poem as he describes his brothers coffin as a Four Foot box I conclude that I preferred Mid Term Break as it is a timeless poem with a tear jerking mood. It is easy to relate to and you really feel for Seamus Heaney.
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Free sample - The major healthcare problem in the USA. translation missing
The major healthcare problem in the USA. The major healthcare problem in the USAOver the years, there has been an increase in the number of uninsured people in the US. Most of these people are those that are aged. Two to three centuries back, most of the people that were dying were the young people which meant that there were very few aging people to worry about. However, due to medical, surgical and other advances made in the field of medicine and related fields, the numbers of aging people in the carry has increased tremendously. If many people are uninsured and they live longer, the burden of the services that will be required for these aged people will be very great on the government. The government currently spends a lot of funds in providing these services to the old people.Ã Due to this, there is a need to develop proper ways to insure most people and take care of the welfare of the old and aging people in the society. I believe the following three ways can be very useful in achieving this. 1.Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Aging prevention The government should invest more on projects that are meant to reduce or completely prevent the aging process. This will make it possible for more people to continue working despite their age and hence an increase in the number of people insured. 2.Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Disease prevention and self-care The government should develop proper methods to ensure that the citizens are well informed about how to prevent the normal and avoidable diseases. The government should also sensitize people on the importance of self-care. These two will ensure that most people fall ill less often hence reduction in the cost of health services needed. 3.Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Ã Improve services for aging people The government should also make sure that the healthcare centers have the required facilities and expertise to handle the aging people and the common problems and diseases related to aging. Conclusion If the above solutions are followed and properly implemented, then they will help in the reduction of this big problem in the healthcare sector of the country.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Business Commuication Writing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Business Commuication Writing - Assignment Example 190). This is not the case because this act will create gaps in an applicantââ¬â¢s resume and gaps between jobs are not appreciated by an interviewer or screener. This will make the screener believe that an applicant is incompetent and due to this, he had failed to find jobs. It is wrong to state employment in an organization in which an applicant has not worked at all, because the human resource team has a huge network and they know other individuals of the human resource management department of other organizations and can easily obtain information about a particular individualââ¬â¢s employment with another organization. The human resource management team even has contacts with the government and can easily obtain background information about a particular applicant. It is okay to provide a photograph attached with the resume because a photograph provides a lot of information about a particular applicant, such as personality and looks which are quite important for recruiters. Even if the photograph provides information that may help the recruiters in making a biased decision, there is no harm in it because the same information is provided in the resume by the applicant. Those applicants that show an ââ¬Å"Iâ⬠attitude or, in other words, those who try to paint a picture that they can perform alone are not welcomed by current recruiters because recruiters today try to locate applicants and employees who have an ability to work along with a team. Those who show an individualistic attitude fail to pass the interviewing phase as recruiters know that today an individual cannot perform alone and needs a team to perform a task. An applicant might be told by many that they should be deceptive in their CVs, but this is not true as deceptive CVs and those that are not deceptive are treated equally, and CVs do not ensure that an applicant will get a job; rather, they ensure that an applicant will get a
Ethic's - The concept of truth telling in cancer patients receiving Essay
Ethic's - The concept of truth telling in cancer patients receiving palliative chemotherapy and the impact on nurse-patient relationships - Essay Example ned by the performance of nursing functions with outmost care and diligence but that it moves toward the moral perception and awareness of nursing care. With this shift in the appreciation of nursing care ââ¬â from performance of duties to moral perception of nursing care - the centrality of the nurse ââ¬âpatient relationship becomes more poignant and pivotal in the understanding of nursing (Gastmans et al, 1998; ; Covington 2005). In the context of nursing care perceived not just as a performance of duty but as a moral awareness, nurses rise up to the demands of care, respect and achieving the goal of holistic well-being for the patient. Thus, nurse-patient relationship opens a ââ¬Å"comportment of the self towards others, which has the inherent goal of enhancing the existence of those othersâ⬠(van Hooft 1999, p 190). However, the nurse-patient relationship is often plagued with quandaries that time and again challenges nursing care. One of these dilemmas that nurses have to contend with as they practise the profession day in and day out is truth telling in the context of patients undergoing palliative chemotherapy. Recognising the importance of truth telling in the nurse-patient relationship and the dilemma that nurses frequently encounter with it, this paper will look into the concept of truth telling in relation with patients undergoing palliative chemotherapy. In lieu of the significance of truth telling in nurse-patient relationship, this paper aims to understand the intricacies of truth telling vis-a- vis nurse-patient relationship. It intends to gain deeper comprehension of utilitarianism, deontology and the four basic ethical principles of justice, autonomy, non-malfeasance and beneficence. Finally, to attain a clearer comprehension of the impact of truth telling in the nurse-patient relationship in the cancer setting (palliative chemotherapy). As this paper will look into the concept of truth telling vis-a-vis nurse-patient relationship in the context
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
How the battle of Gettysburg changed the Civil war Thesis
How the battle of Gettysburg changed the Civil war - Thesis Example It was the strategic turning point of the war. Several years of war before the battle of Gettysburg were a time of military success and economic collapse of the blockaded South. The Federals suffered defeats, but retained their economic and political advantages. Military defeats, in no small measure, were due to failures of command authorities. ââ¬Å"Generals-politiciansâ⬠were much better in intricacies of a political struggle than in the art of war in battlefields. President Abraham Lincoln had to change and shuffle his ââ¬Å"brave Generalsâ⬠periodically. As far as the warfare proceeded, a new galaxy of generals made mark; generals able to withstand the brilliant Southerners, such as General R. Lee and Gen. T. Jackson. Leeââ¬â¢s Gettysburg campaign had to thwart the Federal army plans for the summer, ease the pressure on the besieged Vicksburg, take away the burden of the army munitioning from Virginia, and, which is the most important, to threaten Washington to per suade it to peace negotiations. Repulse of the Southernersââ¬â¢ attacks at Gettysburg and defeat of the invincible Lee, are considered as the watershed in the war, but this statement is true only if the battle of Gettysburg is viewed together with the capture of Vicksburg, which occurred on the same day in the Western theater of operations.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Sit-Coms(American History) Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Sit-Coms(American History) - Research Paper Example Archie Bunker: Now thats where I got you, wise guy, theres a black guy who works down at the building with me, hes got a bumper sticker on his car that says Black is Beautiful so whats the matter with black beauties? M.A.S.H.: This show was based on three army doctors. This is recognized to be one of the dark comedies as it deals with very grave social issues which include race, and the various absurdity of life. The sitcom has dealt with women and their issues in life in a relatively lighter manner. The show has a number of dialogues to show how serious issues in those days have been dealt with and moved into a comedy as well. The dialogue below: Margaret, "Whats wrong Frank?" Frank, "Oh, those guys make me SO mad.........theyre always fooling around and nobody seems to care except you and me! Margaret, "I know Frank, theyre a disgrace! Not one of them is a respectable officer like you, they certainly dont deserve to wear those bars." FRANK SWELLS UP Margaret, "Theyre always conniving to make you look bad. Its time to do something about them Frank! Lets go call General Hammond right now and tell him what theyre up to. Ill bet hell put you in charge and get rid of those jokers, then WE can run this camp like it should be!" Frank puffing his chest out, "Youre right Snookems, lets go do that while theyre busy!" Margaret, "Oh Frank, I just love it when you take control." Wes Gehring "MASH turns 30: the TV series dark comedy was a paean to the ludicrousness of war. - Entertainment - television program review", USA Today (Society for the Advancement of Education),, 06 Sep, 2009,
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Prevention-related program Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Prevention-related program - Research Paper Example Some of these victims of bullying end up hurt with permanent scares that will always remind them of that dreadful act. Noting the significance of this act, this paper will come up with a prevention-relate program that relates to bullying, but first it will describe the substantive area of bullying and then venture into the program. Bullying has been identified widely as the systematic exploitation of power and its occurrence in schooling institutions has been established in most countries around the world. For instance, in Australia and New Zealand, it has been projected that one child out of four is bullied in one way or another on a day to day basis. Bullying can impact everyone from those who bully, to those who are bullied, as well as those who witness the act itself. Bullying is linked to countless of negative outcomes comprising of substance use, impacts on mental health, and suicide. It is significant to talk to children about and why it should be a concern to them. This bullying prevention program will not only be designed and planned mainly for elementary students, but also middle and junior high school scholars, who are aged from about 5 to 15 years. However, extensive research has also proved that some of the elements that will be discussed in this program have proved to be effective when it comes to prevention of bullying in high schools, as well. The program will require each and every student to take part in a majority of the aspects, whereas students considered as targets of bullying, or as bullying others, get extra personalized interventions. This program will be planned and designed to enhance peer relations, as well as make schooling institutions safer and more constructive places for students to not only learn, but also develop themselves. The goals and objectives of the program are: (1) cutting existing bullying problems in schools; (2) barring the development of fresh bullying problems; and (3) attaining
The major reasons for the declining in communal life in the pacific Essay Example for Free
The major reasons for the declining in communal life in the pacific Essay Below is a free essay on Discuss The Major Reasons For The Decline Of Commu from Anti Essays, your source for free research papers, essays, and term paper examples. Plan Title: Discuss the major reasons for the decline of communal life in the Pacific. C: Decline in Communal Life L: Reasons; Pacific D: Argue Context: Every society in the Pacific searches for ways to maintain their inherited ways of life and preserve their unique culture Subject: Communal Life Limited Subject: Decline in Communal life in the Pacific Issue: What are the major reasons for the decline in communal life in the Pacific? Thesis statement: The major reasons for the decline in communal life in the Pacific are threefold: Sociocultural evolution, Changes in life style and Economical issues. Supports for the thesis: Main idea 1: Sociocultural evolution One of the foremost reasons for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is the sociocultural evolution Supporting idea a: Education The primary sociocultural reason for the decline of communal life in the Pacific is education Details: Human/women/children rights freedom generation gap Supporting idea b: Greed and self interest The next sociocultural reason for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is greed and self-interest Details: Demand for ownership of land Poor leaders making unreliable decisions that affect everybody in the communal areas people are more concerned about their own family and their needs and wants Main idea 2: Changes in lifestyle Secondly, the reason for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is due to the changes in lifestyle of people in communal settlements. Supporting idea a: Loss of values The most basic change in lifestyle reason for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is the loss of values Details: Intermarriages individualism Conflicts of interest Supporting idea b: Westernization and Mass media Likewise, another change in lifestyle reason for the decline in communal life in the Pacific is the effects of mass media and westernization Details: Changes in
Friday, November 15, 2019
Reason and faith in religion
Reason and faith in religion Reason and Faith are sources of authority whereby the belief of an individual can rest. Belief is referred to as the values that emanate from a methodological process of inquiry. This process can either be religious, aesthetic, moral or even intellectual. On this basis, reason does not emanate from the wisdoms of traditional authority, or oracles, or assumptions. However, reason requires the existence of real life evidence to proof a fact. Once there is a clear demonstration of this evidence, a claim can be understood and justified as either to be false, or true. Faith is the opposite of reason, and it does not require any evidence for an individual to believe in a given issue or authority. On this basis, faith is a demonstration of assent or trust (Albl, 22). Faith therefore involves an action of commitment that emanates from the believer, in relation to a given belief. Religious faith involves the belief of an individual to a supernatural deity, or God. The root cause of this faith always comes from an individual revelation of God, or the workings of God (The Bible, 3). On this note, revelation can either be direct, personally experiencing the powers of God. It can also be indirect, that is experiencing the powers of God through the testimonies of other people. Faith that emanates from religion is of two types, namely evidence insensitive faith, and evidence sensitive faith. Evidence sensitive faith is built upon by demonstrable truths, which includes testimonies brought forth by believers or people who ascribe to the same Faith. Mueller (27) denotes that this type of faith is also built on the teachings and lives of people who believed in God. On the other hand, Mueller (29) denotes that evidence-insensitive faith is built upon the individual experiences of a person with his God. Albl (26) explains that it is very possible for a person to believe in God, through faith, or through reason. This paper take a stand that the bible is the main book that provides guidance on an individualââ¬â¢s Christian faith. Reason is only used to confirm and provid e support on the various religious beliefs. Prickett and Robert (36) denote that the main factor that led to the problems associated with reason and faith comes from the concept of revelation. All religious believes are based on revelations. Revelations always entails an individualââ¬â¢s experiences with God, which in turn they are described through sacred pronunciations (Prickett and Robert, 33). These revelations are then written in canonical writings or are passed through oral traditions. An example of a person who experienced revelation and passed the message through canonical writings is apostle Paul. Paul had a personal experience with God, and wrote the messages which are always reffered to as epistles. Hicks (36) denote that these writings are always immune from a rationale critique, or evaluations. On this basis, any attempt to evaluate and critically analyze these messages is a mistake. However, in the current century, Hicks (41) denotes that various religious organizations encourage a rationale critique of the Bible. One main issue that surrounds the problems regarding reason and faith is to find out how the authority of reason, and that of faith interrelate with one another in this process whereby a religious belief is either justified or not. There are four major ways in which reason and faith can interact. The first method of interaction is the conflict model. Under this model of interaction, the objects, aims and methods of faith and reason usually depict different notions and concepts. On this basis, there is a rivalry between reason and faith. An example of this rivalry is depicted in the different explanations of the existence of earth. Christianââ¬â¢s belief that God created the world, scientists on the other hand belief that God did not create the world, but it came as a result of evolution (Hicks, 56). The story of creation is effectively explained in the book of Genesis chapter number 1. Charles Darwin on the other hand denotes that the world came as a result of evolution of species. Darwin elaborately explains this concept through his theory of evolution. He came up with this concept of evolution after a careful study of the various species of animals, including mankind. On this basis, his evolutionary theory was developed out of a methodological study, satisfying the principles of reason. This view by Darwin directly conflicts the views of the origin of man, as prescribed by the Bible (Mueller, 28). This therefore challenges the existence of God, putting faith and reason in a conflict with each other. The next mo del of interaction between reason and faith is the incompatibility model. Under this model, objects, aims and methods of faith and reason are distinct. Under this model, faith concerns itself with seeking the divine truth, while reason on the other hand concerns itself with seeking for an empirical truth. On this basis, rivalry between faith and reason does not exist. This relationship between reason and faith is divided into two main categories. The first category is transrational (Hick, 43). Under this category, believers denote that faith is higher than reason, and reason can only be used to explain certain religious practices that occur within an individualââ¬â¢s religion or sets of believes. The second category holds that religious believes are irrational, and on this basis, it is not appropriate to examine it through a rational evaluation. Under this principle, it is only possible to understand God, by analyzing what God is not. People who ascribe to this principle believe that there is no need of subjecting faith to a rational justification. This is because it is beyond human understanding (Mueller, 41). The weak compatibi lity model on the other hand believes that it is possible for there to be dialogue between faith and reason. This is even though reason and faith maintain different methods of evaluations and clarity. Under this model, faith is developed from the existence of miracles, while reason on the other hand involves scientific evaluations of the miracles under consideration. The final relationship between faith and reason can be termed as the strong compatibility model. Under this relationship, faith and reason have some parity. Proponents of this relationship denote that it is possible to demonstrate articles of faith, by applying reason within it. It is possible to demonstrate articles of faith by using either inductive method, which is depending on experiences to justify faith (Prickett and Robert, 51). It can also take a deductive approach, which is depending on the teachings of faith to justify a belief. An example of an inductive approach is the miraculous healing of a lame man, whom science could not cure. An explanation to this concept is that God has a healing power, thus he healed the man under consideration. Science on the other hand would denote that there wasnââ¬â¢t any scientific method of healing the man under consideration; hence it is only the power of a divine deity that did the job (Prickett and Robert, 51). An example of a deductiv e approach would always start with an argument that the principles of science would not have existed, unless the power of God was there to ensure that the science under consideration is successful. For example, God gave men the capability and wisdom of making vehicles, and airplanes. In conclusion, Christians normally rely on the bible as a basis of their faith. For a long period of time, the information contained in the scriptures have never been challenged or critiqued. They are always held as true, no matter how controversial they may be. However, in the 21st century, there is always a demand of evidence and reason in the various teachings of Christianity. This paper manages to effectively explain this concept of reason, and how it used to justify certain aspects of faith. For instance, in this paper, we are able to denote that reason can directly contradict faith. This is by use of science to proof certain aspects of the scriptures as untrue. This paper explains how the Bible depicts the origin of the universe, and how science explains the origin of the universe. The Bible denotes that God created the world, while science denotes that the world came about out of evolution. These two areas are very contradicting and rival each other, and those who believe in t he evolution story, do not have any faith in God, nor religious beliefs. In as much as reason can contradict certain aspects of faith, reason is also used to explain certain religious practices or elements of faith. For example, how can one explain the movements of birds in the air, or even the existence of rivers, mountains, and lakes? Initially, the practices of a religious belief were not questionable. Whatever the scriptures said, was always true. However, in the 21st century, religious organizations encourage a rationale critique of their practices. Works Cited: Albl, Martin C. Reason, faith, and tradition: explorations in Catholic theology. Winona: Saint Marys Press, 2009. Print. Hick, John. Between faith and doubt: dialogues on religion and reason. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. Print. Mueller, J. J.. Theological foundations: concepts and methods for understanding Christian faith. Winona, Minn.: Saint Marys Press, 2007. Print. Prickett, Stephen, and Robert Barnes. The Bible. Cambridge [England: Cambridge University Press, 1991. Print. The Bible. Harlow, England: King James Version, 2010. Print.
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